Recommended Reads


"Attached" by Amir Levine and Rachel Heller

"Boundaries" by Henry Cloud and John Townsend

"The Five Love Languages" by Dr. Gary Chapman

"Stop Walking on Eggshells for Partners" by Randi Kreger and Bill Eddy


"Parts Work: A Guide to Your Inner Life" by Dr. Tom Holmes

"You are the One You've Been Waiting for: bringing courageous love to intimate relationships" by Dr. Dick Schwartz

"Untamed" by Glennon Doyle


"Non Violent Communication" by Dr. Marshall Rosenberg

Trauma and Physical Illness

"The Body Keeps the Score" by Bessel van der Kolk M.D. 

"When the Body Says No More" by Gabor Mate

"The Myth of Normal" by Gabor Mate


"It's ok that you're not ok" by Megan Devine

"The Wild Edge of Sorrow" by Francis Weller